I'm white, but not Christian
I'm a Utah resident, but not Rebulican
I dispose of my trash, but also recycle
I stand in long lines at the store, but don't become irate over it
I go out shopping, but hold the door open for others behind me
I respect all religions, but I am not religious
I work on Windows systems all day, but use a Mac for personal use
I am amazed at all that children offer, but I am the proud father of just one
I love a good bowl of ice cream, but don't eat the entire half gallon in one sitting
I appreciate all that this world has to offer, but don't believe there was a single creator
I enjoyed the movie Titanic, but didn't think it was all that great
I love lots of TV shows, just not those that are labeled "reality"
I enjoy a nice candy treat, but it's rarely chocolate
I'm a straight male, but support rights for all without bias of sexual gender