May 15, 2012

Each Negative That Happens

I've told myself several times in the last year that I've been wanting a change in my life.  Going on 27 years in the IT industry, I have found that each time I am tasked with something that has to do with fixing a computer, I cringe or complain or put off the task as long as I can before people start demanding it to be done.  Each thing that I see as a negative, it gets me that much closer to pushing myself to changing my situation.

I've reached the point in the last 4 weeks that I really am pushing to leave my job in late September/early October. And not for another IT job. If, for some reason I need to spend one more stint of employment as an IT professional, it will be to pay the bills and just to make a change.  But my push is for me to finally get back to where I was in my writing career... happy, excited, challenged and wanting to spend time doing what I like and love to do.


  1. Nothing like being in a career you don't like.

    1. Yes and one that I used to like but am severely burnt out in.
